Biology Lesson Plan Links

My Favorite Sites

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Visit my Environmental Education links page for lesson ideas for ecology, biodiversity, Earth Day, & more!  Also check out my classroom lessons for Biology!

Ameoba Sisters - Check out their biology-related videos and the other resources available on their website! This a great resource for EdPuzzle users! - This web site provides articles by scientists, science educators, and science students on issues related to seven bioscience challenges: environment, biodiversity, genome, biotechnology, evolution, new frontiers, and bioscience education. In addition, the web site provides educators with lessons and resources to enhance bioscience teaching.

Amazing Biology Teacher Resources - Visit this webpage for a great listing of activities organized by topic. This website also provides management tips, games, puzzles, links, and more!

Awesome Library - Biology - A large collection of links to biology lesson plans, projects, and other ideas.

Be sure to visit for a wealth of resources!
Check out "wearable" science projects at

Cell-to-Cell - Explore the world of cells with this great unit from Intel! A wealth of resources are available at this site from the California Foundation for Ag in the Classroom. Also visit their archived lessons page.

Classification Lessons & Activities - Visit this page from PBS Teacher Source for a large collection of lessons and activities exploring classification.

Exploring Nature - This site provides a wealth of information and teaching resources for human biology, animals, plants, ecology, and more!

Need lesson plans for GENETICS? Visit the Genetics Lesson Plans page.

InfoVisual - Visit this website for an assortment of images for zoology, human biology, and plants.

Math-Science Learning Coalition - Biology Lessons - This site offers a wide range of biology lessons for elementary, middle school, and high school. - Teacher Resources - Explore the resources available on this website for life science as well as other science units. The site provides many ready-to-use worksheets and lab ideas.

National Wildlife Federation - Explore this site for activities, resources, games, and more to celebrate National Wildlife Week!

Project Look Smart - Check out their science and health modules that integrate media literacy and critical thinking into their learning units.  The materials are free and ready to use in your classroom!

Project WILDProject WILD Aquatic - Check out these activity guides with tons of lessons and ideas for your biology classroom!  To obtain your own guide complete with teacher directions and extention lessons, you will need to attend one of their training workshops - well worth every minute you spend!  I promise you will receive tons of great lessons and activities that you can use with your kids!
NOTE: One of my favorite lessons is called Good Buddies (pages 15-17 of the WILD book) and I use it during my Ecology unit to teach students about symbiotic relationships.

Proteacher - Life Science - An assortment of life science lesson plans and links for elementary teachers. Also visit the Health/Medicine section.

Simply Prairie - Explore this website to learn more about this online program exploring prairies. Visit the Educator's Page for complete details about the project and learn how you can join the Quadrat study or use the online tools to create a virtual prairie. Also visit the Student Index to find links for the online databases for birds, plants, insects, frogs, and butterflies as well as lots of other great resources for a prairie unit!

SMILE Program - Biology Index - A huge assortment of almost 200 single concept lesson plans and activities organized by category.

Teachnet - Biology - A wide range of biology lessons including plants, seeds, environment, and pond life are available at this site.

 ZeroBio - An excellent resource for teachers and students! Explore this site for interactive biology games, worksheets,and much more! Don't miss the JavaGenetics section!

Also explore the links on the Environmental Education page!


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The Science Spot was developed in March 1999 by Tracy Tomm Science Teacher @ Havana Junior High, Havana, IL.  Activities, lessons, & worksheets available on any page of this web site are intended for use by a single teacher in his/her classroom or to share at educational conferences.  Reproduction for commercial use or profit is not permitted without the consent of Tracy (Trimpe) Tomm. Visit my Frequently Asked Questions page for more details.