The Science Spot






Astronomy Lesson Plan Links


My Favorite Links:

Other Links:

Adler Planetarium Astronomy Connections - Visit the education area for lessons, resources, and other goodies to help you integrate technology into your "space program"!

Amazing Space - This site offers an assortment of lesson plans and web-based activities for astronomy along with a wealth of information for any astronomy unit.

Astronomical Society of the Pacific: Universe in the Classroom - Check out their website  for an assortment of ideas you can use!

ASU Mars Education Website - Explore this website filled with lots of resources for students and teachers realted to Mars! Visit the Resources area to download a student activity guide that allows them to conduct a student-directed investigation of Mars as scientists in the real world do.

At-Home Astronomy - A great collection of lessons and activities to explore the universe!

Celestia Educational Activities - Explore this space simulation program for the PC that lets you and/or your students interactively experience our universe. An assortment of activities are availble.

CERES Project - Master teachers, university faculty, and NASA researchers have created a series of web-based astronomy lessons for this project. From the life cycle of stars to Mars Quest, you are sure to find new activities to spice up your astronomy unit.

LIVE from Mars 2001 - Passport to Knowledge - The new Passport to Knowledge module - Live From Mars 2001 is available at this site. Take the time to visit the site to learn more about the TV programs and lesson ideas for this project.

Math-Science Learning Coalition - Astronomy Lessons - This site offers a wide range of astronomy lessons for elementary, middle school, and high school.

Make a Comet - Make your own comet with the kids using the instructions at this website!  Always one of the favorite labs of the year for our sixth grade students!  Check out the other resouces at the NOAO website! - Teacher Resources - Scroll down the page to find many ready-to-use worksheets and lab ideas for astronomy as well as many other science concepts.

NASA Spacelink - Use this website to start your search of the NASA collection of educational materials, such as classroom lessons, online activities, and multimedia resources.

Paper Plate Education - Visit the Activities area for over 30 lesson ideas using paper plates to teach concepts in astronomy!

PBS Seeing in the Dark - Check out the large amount of activities they provide to teach basic astronomy concepts in your classroom.

Proteacher - Space - An assortment of earth science lesson plans and links for elementary teachers.

SEGway - An assortment of web-based activities for astronomy! To see all they have to offer visit the Lesson List page!

Space Place - A great site from NASA to explore with your students. Don't miss the Goodies for Teachers area for printables and lesson worksheets. - Take a few moments to browse this site for ready-to-use lesson ideas organized for elementary, middle school, and high school students.

Teacher's Domain - Earth & Space Science - This is an excellent site for multimedia resources for your science curriculum!  

Windows to the Universe - Explore this interdisciplinary web site on the Earth and space sciences! Visit the Tools area for a student workbook, table of contents, and other features! Go to the classroom resources area to find great lesson ideas, such as Lunar Lollipops!

ZOOM Astronomy - Explore this site for lots of great info about the solar system as well as inteactive quizzes and activities. Don't miss the Classroom Activities section!

Solar Eclipse Resources for Teachers 

  • NASA Eclipse Kit - This guide provides hands-on, safe activities lessons/activities for the sun, light, our solar system, and eclipses. Visit the page for links to other good online resources!  Also check out their Eclipse: In A Different Light activity page for more great ideas and links to online resources for the eclipse as well as stars, the solar system, and more astronomy topics!

  • PBS Learning Media - Eclipse Resources - This site provides a wealth of resources - lesson ideas, videos, interactives, and more - for all grade levels! Use their filter options to find just what you need!   

  • SC DOE Eclipse Unit - Check out this site for links for all grade levels a- nd subjects K-2, 3-5, 6-8, & HS!

  • AAS Eclipse Lessons & Activities - A large collection of links for all educational materials and videos for all grade levels to help your students understand the solar eclipse.

  • AAQ Eclipse Activities - Visit this site for a chart with eclipse-related lessons and activities for all grade levels.

  • TedEd - Eclipses - Try this lesson with your students with options to customize the lesson, a ready-to-use quiz, and links to related resources.

  • Sanford Solar Center - A listing of  lessons related to the solar system that can be used for any astronomy unit. 

Also check out my scavenger hunts - Eclipse Basics and What's Your View  - Students use the links on the Solar Eclipse Links for Kids page of the Kid Zone to help them complete these online activity pages.

NOTE:  As of 2/12/2022, all links previously availble on the Kid Zone are now listed on the Kid Zone Archive document. Please provide the links your students need for assignments through your LMS or teacher website.


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© 1999-2025
The Science Spot was developed in March 1999 by Tracy Tomm, former Science Teacher @ Havana Junior High, Havana, IL.  Activities, lessons, & worksheets available on any page of this web site are intended for use by a single teacher in his/her classroom or to share at educational conferences.  Reproduction for commercial use or profit is not permitted without the consent of Tracy (Trimpe) Tomm. Visit my Frequently Asked Questions page for more details.