The Science Spot




Interactive Science Notebooks - Digital Resources

Other ISN-related pages - FAQ (digital), Traditional Resources, ISN Main Page

New digital notebooks added to the General Science page of the Science Classroom             


Getting Started with digital INBs-Tons of great ideas;  well worth the time to watch 

PPT to Slides- Another great tutorial at showing how to use your existing PPTs for notebooks in Slides.  
Also check out this tutorial on converting PPT slides as images.

Master Slide Tutorial- A good introduction to using Master slides to set up the format for the slides on your presentation.

Google Slide Add-Ons- Video shares so many great tools to make your slides better

Sadler Science Notebooks- Overview of using hyperlinked Table of Contents and other tips  (I am just using a hyperlinked Table of Contents on one slide rather than a separate document.)

Inserting Links in Slides- Watch this tutorial to learn how to insert links using text, objects, & images.

Organizing Google Classroom- Goes along with using DINBs - organize into topics

Slip & Slide- Use this G-Suite add on to push out new slides for existing digital ISN..

Alice Keeler - Push Slides- Use this tool to push new slides out to students for an existing digital INB; the slides will go to the start and students will have to move them.

Assigning on Google Classroom- Quick tutorial explaining how to assign on GC. 

Ditch That Textbook- Visit this page for ideas for interactive activities plus a form to enter your e-mail to download 50 free templates.

Facebook Groups - Science Digital INBs (Just science, all levels) & Digital INBs & Binders (All subjects/levels)


Tools for Lessons/Activities

MEGA Resource - Everything Science- Check out this file for shared Slides you can copy to use in your own digital science notebooks

Editable PDF- Take a PDF worksheet and turn it into a digital one; also try

Drag & Drop Activities- Simple tutorial for making drag and drop activities on Slides

Book Widgets- Create crosswords students can complete online and then insert a screenshot on a slide 

Graphic Organizers- Save as an image to use as a background on a side; students use text boxes or images to fill in the organizer.

Doc to Form- Get this add-on for Google Docs to help you make forms from new or existing docs. 

Check out my Lessons for Learning @ Home - Activities to send home for students to complete during remote learning that work with or without Internet; many of these could be adapted to digital form, such as the choice boards.

Other Resources

Cool Text- Use this site to make your own “text stickers” that can spiff up your pages.  Easy to change fonts and download!

Remove Backgrounds from Images- Make any image transparent

Word Art Generator - Create amazing graphics using vocabulary or other key terms in a unit.  Create your art using the options available and then click Download at the top of the screen for image options.

Have other questions?  Send me an e-mail!


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© 1999-2025
The Science Spot was developed in March 1999 by Tracy Tomm, former Science Teacher @ Havana Junior High, Havana, IL.  Activities, lessons, & worksheets available on any page of this web site are intended for use by a single teacher in his/her classroom or to share at educational conferences.  Reproduction for commercial use or profit is not permitted without the consent of Tracy (Trimpe) Tomm. Visit my Frequently Asked Questions page for more details.