The Science Spot






Lessons for Learning @ Home

Need ideas for your students for eLearning days or extended absences?  Here's a list of my favorite activities that can be completed without internet accesss.  Although most of my students have Internet access, some have limited data plans which makes online activities challenging for them.  Our students use Interactive Science Notebooks, which they will use as their textbook when working on assignments at home.

Note: Several projects are designed to develop books or other media to share with elementary teachers and their students after we return to the regular school setting.  Since we will not be grading work completed during this time, the students will be rewarded for their hard work when they share what they've created with the younger kiddos.

  • Science A to Z - Word search puzzles with terms for each letter of the alphabet; two versions available
    Estimated time to complete = 2 class periods

  • Science A to Z Challenge - Students use terms from past learning units to develop their own "alphabet book" or other project, such as a video, online flashcards, slide show, etc. The handout provides student directions as well as a worksheet to help them keep track of their progress.  "Books" may be handmade or created using online tools for students with Internet access.
    Estimated time to complete = 5 class periods

    Also available: Elementary version - This version challenges students to create projects targeting specific grade levels and topics, which are then shared with our elementary teachers and their students. For example, some students will create books for 2nd graders related to biology, while other will focus on earth science for 4th graders.

  • Science Word Detectives - I adapted this lesson from many years ago to teach students how to decode scientific terms using prefixes and suffixes.  A link to a list of science prefixes and suffixes is provided.  You may need to print copies for students with limited or no Internet access. This lesson makes an excellent introduction to the Super Scientists activity listed  below.
    Estimated time to complete = 3 class periods

  • Super Scientists - Worksheet challenging students to identify what each type of scienctist studies; additional activities can be used in the classroom or assisgned as extention activities
    Estimated time to complete = 2 class periods or up to a week with extension activities

  • Science Game Challenge - Students develop their own game (board game, card game, or other type of game similar to those on TV or played in class) using the scientists from the Super Scientist activity above.  Games could also be used to review vocabulary from a specific learning unit.  My students will refer to the vocabulary sets available on my Quizlet page.  
    Estimated time to complete = 5 class periods

    Extension ideas:  Challenge students to develop games for younger students that could  be shared with other schools in your district or area.

  • Independent Investigations - Findworksheets students can use to develop their own scientific investigations at home.  Students can bring supplies when school is back in session to share their experiment with their classmates. 
    Estimated time to complete = 2-3 class periods

    Extension ideas:  Challenge students to develop science lessons for a Discovery Day for younger students.  They can also develop their own investigations to test advertising claims using the Consumer's Challenge project.  The Old Wives Tales project provide directions ontesting the many tales they or their parents have heard.

  • Observation Challenges - Students search their homes to make observations that can be classified by various scientific characteristics.  Students also need to add a description to explain how it relates to the characteristic.   The third challenge has them create the challenge by filling in a blank chart.
    Estimated time to complete = 2 class periods per challenge (Total of 6 class periods)

  • UPick Projects - Ecology, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Astronomy, or Branches of Science - Students pick the projects they want to complete to earn points.  Each box can only be completed once, but they can do extra boxes to earn extra credit points.  I have included a list of vocabulary from each of my units, which is also accessible on Quizlet.  
    Estimated time to complete = 5 class periods for each

    Also check out
    Choice Boards - 7th Grade or 8th Grade  for examples you could print and use or edit to meet your needs. 


Need more ideas? Check out these resources for printbles that can be completed without Internet ...

Middle School Science - Always one of my favorite sites to find materials that are ready-to-use! 

Amazing Resources - An list of free resources for all subjects available during this period of distance or eLearning. The list includes a description of the site and the resouces available to help you find the ones that will help your students the most.

ABC Teach - Middle School Science - This site offers so many great worksheets from open-ended organizers and journal pages to specific topics. Well worth checking out to find worksheets to supplement your lessons.

Biology Corner - Check out the ready-to-use lessons, such as The Language of Science, to print for students to complete at home.  The site also offers printable diagram pages that can be labeled and colored at home.

Education World - Hands-on science activities you can print to send home for students to complete. 

Help Teaching - A large collection of worksheets for every area of science.  They also have tools to help you create your own worksheets.

Newsela - Find articles related to concepts presented in class and challenge students to teach their family using the article.

Science Buddies - Pick a science fair-style project for your students to develop and test while at home.

Teach-nology - A listing of printable worksheets for every topic/concept typically covered in elementary and middle school science.

We Are Teachers - This site provides ideas for end-of-the-year activities that could be modified for an extended absence or online learning.




Privacy Policy

© 1999-2025
The Science Spot was developed in March 1999 by Tracy Tomm, former Science Teacher @ Havana Junior High, Havana, IL.  Activities, lessons, & worksheets available on any page of this web site are intended for use by a single teacher in his/her classroom or to share at educational conferences.  Reproduction for commercial use or profit is not permitted without the consent of Tracy (Trimpe) Tomm. Visit my Frequently Asked Questions page for more details.