The Science Spot








Next Generation Science Standards

Lesson Planning Resources

NGSS Hub - One of my go-to resources to find lessons and units targeting Next Gen standards! Also look for their free NGSS app for iPad, Droid, and Windows devices. - Use their search tools to find online resources for students or check out their FlexBook options to create your own textbook aligned to NGSS (or other state standards) and your curriculum!

Concord Consortium - Be sure to check out this awesome resource!  Use their online tools to help you find resources to implement NGSS by choosing your practice, core ideas, and cross-cutting concepts.  Also check out their STEM Resource Finder!

NGSS Storylines - A great resource to learn how to use storylines to target science standards in your classroom.  Also check out the California NGSS Framework for examples of storylines for the various standards.

        Also check out the storyline resource from Stanford for a wealth of ideas and ready-to-use units, such as Save the Andes!

OpenScienceEd - A new website with some promising resources fully aligned to NGSS and free for download by classroom teachers.  There are only a few units available, but more are in the planning stages.

PBS Learning Media - Use their site search to find NGSS aligned lessons, videos, and other learning tools in their amazing library of resources and ideas!

Phenomena Resources

Project Phenomena - Discover real-world phenomena that can be integrated into your lessons to enhance your students' learning in the classroom.

Science Snacks - Discrepant events make a great tool for focusing your students' learning on phenomena - especially those they can see and explore for themselves. 

Spark - Using Phenomena to Engage Students - A great article highlighting the benefits of using phenomena along with examples of changing past classroom projects to focus on current phenomena and spark students' interest. 

Check out the Sunrise Science Blog for a great article to read to help you transition to using phenomena in your learning units.

Also check out these resources for more ideas:

  • Wonder of Science - Phenomena - Find a list of topics for each standard and grade level/group! 

  • NGSS Phenomena - Provides an assortment of articles or videos that could be used as phenomena in your next unit!

  • NSTA Phenomena Collection - Spend some time browsing their resources for phenomena.

  • SERC Activity Ideas - Browse this list for activities that bring real-world concepts into your classroom lessons.

  • Understanding Science - Check out their resources including a section on misconceptions - what better way to challenge your students' learning than trying to prove their misconceptions are true or not.

  • Data Nuggets - Check out their resources to integrate data analysis with real-world connections into your NGSS lessons.  I will  be trying the Tree Killing Beetles nugget during my Biodiversity unit.


General Resources 

Next Generation Science Standards - Browse this website for the latest news and information about the new science standards. Explore the standards along with the other resources they have available.

Ambitious Science Teaching - A must visit for any educator wanting to better address NGSS in their classrooms.  This site provides a wealth of resources that are helpful regardless of your experience level with NGSS.

Bozeman Science - A great collection of videos to help you better understand the Next Generation Science Standards.  The videos are organized into three main areas: Scientific & Engineering Practices, Cross Cutting Ideas, and Disciplinary Core Ideas.

eGFI (Engineering Go For It!) You are sure to find a new project to use to challenge your students while targeting Next Gen and STEM concepts! 

Framework for K-12 Science Education - Read the framework to learn more about the main ideas and concepts illustrated in the new science standards. 

Globe Teacher's Guide - Check out their online resources for learning about NGSS and project ideas.

Lewis Center NGSS - A wealth of resources to help you implement the NGSS in your science classroom, which includes links to other online resources, videos, and assessment ideas.  Be sure to scroll though the page for some good resources at the bottom!

Smithsonian Q?RIUS - Check out their webcasts and resources, which are aligned with NGSS.

SNAP Assessments - Need assessment ideas? Explore this excellent resource from Standford for assessment ideas targeting NGSS.

Sophia for Teachers - Find tutorials and quizzes to help you implement NGSS in your classroom.  Online activities are organized by topic to allow you to find what you need for your next lesson.

Understanding Science - Use their search tools to find resoures aligned to NGSS - online lessons, activities, and classroom lessons.


Something to read ... Making the Hippos Dance: Implementing NGSS in the Classroom

Also explore the Common Core Literacy standards for Science & Technical Subjects.

Do you have other resources to share?  Use my contact form to send them to me!



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© 1999-2025
The Science Spot was developed in March 1999 by Tracy Tomm, former Science Teacher @ Havana Junior High, Havana, IL.  Activities, lessons, & worksheets available on any page of this web site are intended for use by a single teacher in his/her classroom or to share at educational conferences.  Reproduction for commercial use or profit is not permitted without the consent of Tracy (Trimpe) Tomm. Visit my Frequently Asked Questions page for more details.