The Science Spot




NOTE:  Scroll down the page to find resources for your weather unit!

Earth Science Lesson Plan Links

My Favorite Links:

Other Links:

Earth Comm - Explore this page for lesson ideas and activities for earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, natural resources, and much more! EarthComm is an Earth Science curriculum developed by the American Geological Institute (AGI) and supported by the National Science Foundation and donors of the American Geological Institute Foundation.

Earth Science Lessons - Visit the different areas of Volcano World for an assortment of teaching resources!

Earth Science Week Activities   - Find new ideas to address earth science topics!  

Earth Science Worksheets  -  Explore this website for a great variety of worksheets for earth science concepts!  

EPA Sunwise Program - Explore this site to learn more about the Sunwise program focused on educating students about ultraviolet radiation and sun safety.

More resources for ultraviolet radiation ...
As The Sun Burns
. - Download lesson plans from the Stanford Solar Center for elementary, middle school, or high school. Be sure to visit the main page of this website to see all the great resources they have to offer!
Ultra-Violet Spectra - Browse this page for an assortment of ideas for using UV beads in the science classroom.

Need UV beads? Visit the Educational Innovations website and check out their  UV beads and other goodies!

Exploring the Environment - This website from the NASA Classroom of the Future provides a series of interdisciplinary, problem-based learning (PBL) modules for high school students. The project engages student teams in addressing real-world problems related to weather, population growth, biodiversity, land use patterns, volcanoes, water pollution, and global warming.

Glacier Theme Page - An assortment of links to online resources containing information and activities related to glaciers!

Need lessons for geologic time and fossils?
Visit my
Digging Into Science Lesson Plan page for online resources for these topics. - Teacher Resources - Explore this area for an assortment of lesson plans and activity ideas for geology.

Geology Online - Illinois State Museum - Browse this website for an online gallery of rocks & minerals as well as a collection of lesson plans for all levels!

GeoSociety - Education & Outreach - Visit this site for lesson plans & resources for K-12 Earth Science educators! You can view the lessons by topic or age group!

Math-Science Learning Coalition - Earth Science Lessons - This site offers a wide range of earth science lessons for elementary, middle school, and high school.

Nature of Water Power - Explore the power of water with your students with these great lesson ideas.

Proteacher - Earth Science - An assortment of earth science lesson plans and links for elementary teachers. This site includes links for earthquakes, volcanoes, rocks/minerals, weather, dinosaurs, and water.

Science of Sands - Take your students on an interactive journey to explore the sand around the world.

Teacher's Domain - Earth & Space Science - This is an excellent site for multimedia resources for your science curriculum!  

TEA Classroom Materials - Explore this resource for lesson plans created by teachers participating in the Teachers Experiencing Antarctica program, such as Sediment Tubes, Pangaea Puzzle, or the Frozen Desert.

Visit to an Ocean Planet - An assortment of lessons for climate and oceans. Be sure to make a visit or two!

Water Science For Schools - This site offers information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center where visitors can give opinions and test their water knowledge.

Weather Resources

Awesome Library - Weather - A large collection of links to to help you find lessons and acitvities for your weather unit.

CIESE - WeatherScope - Learn more about this collaborative online project and explore the resources page. The site provides information for teachers, student activities, and more! Also explore the Wonderful World of Weather project.

EdHelper -Weather - An assortment of weather worksheets and puzzles!

Glacier Theme Page - An assortment of links to online resources containing information and activities related to glaciers!

GeoSociety - Education & Outreach - Visit this site for lesson plans & resources for K-12 Earth Science educators! You can view the lessons by topic or age group!

Math-Science Learning Coalition - Earth Science Lessons - Browse their listing of earth science lessons to find activities for your weather unit.

Nature of Water Power - Explore the power of water with your students with these great lesson ideas.

NOAA Education - Weather - This website provides an assortment of links and other resources to enhance your weather unit.

Proteacher - Weather - An assortment of weather lesson plans and links for elementary teachers.

Visit to an Ocean Planet - An assortment of lessons for climate and oceans. Be sure to make a visit or two!

WeatherWatch - Visit this area of the Scholastic site to learn more about weather topics! Track a hurricane, make your own blizzard, or investigate tornadoes are just a few of their neat activities for weather!

Be sure to visit for a wealth of resources!

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© 1999-2025
The Science Spot was developed in March 1999 by Tracy Tomm, former Science Teacher @ Havana Junior High, Havana, IL.  Activities, lessons, & worksheets available on any page of this web site are intended for use by a single teacher in his/her classroom or to share at educational conferences.  Reproduction for commercial use or profit is not permitted without the consent of Tracy (Trimpe) Tomm. Visit my Frequently Asked Questions page for more details.